Teeth extraction means the removal of teeth. It is a common dental procedure that involves the removal of infected teeth. A tooth is removed directly from the alveolar bone. Teeth extraction is not an easy job and requires a lot of skilled professionals who have gone through years of training for the treatment. There are several other reasons for the extraction of teeth. They include tooth decay, gum disease, and impaction. 

Some gum diseases and tooth decay can be avoided by preventive care. However, you need to undergo proper dental treatment for other conditions like impaction. This treatment is generally performed by dentist in Brookline, MA, when they diagnose a patient with a growing set of third molars.  The procedure is generally painful, but the level of pain can be handled by providing sedatives. 

Top reasons why teeth extraction is important. 

  • Irreparable tooth damage. 

Dental practices resort to extraction when the teeth are decayed to the extent that normal treatments like crowns and filling will not do any good. It should be treated immediately to stop the infection from reaching the pulp passing through the layers of enamel and dentine. 

The pulp is the third layer of the four basic layers of a tooth. It adjoins the cementum, which is the innermost layer. If the infection reaches the pulp, it will cause inflammation and abscesses. The best way to cure this infection is to get a tooth extraction. 

  • Gum disease. 

Gum disease can be destructive as tooth decay if not cured immediately. When these gum diseases advance, they result in the degeneration of gum tissues, bones supporting the tooth, and the ligaments. A tooth becomes loose when these supporting structures degenerate. It will eventually result in a tooth falling from the socket or require a tooth extraction. 

  • Impaction. 

When one tooth grows and pushes the other in its way, it is called an impaction. The tooth getting pushed is susceptible to infection, resulting in red, swollen, and bleeding gums. People often experience difficulty and pain in opening their mouths and report swollen jaws. The wisdom tooth is found to be the culprit here. It does not have enough space to grow upright; therefore, it grows sideways instead and causes impaction to other teeth. 

  • Overcrowding. 

Malocclusion, also known as overcrowding that is not treatable through conventional dental procedures, requires tooth extraction. If a patient undergoes overcrowding, a proper diagnosis is helpful for the doctors to come up with teeth aligning or repairing options. 

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Monday, Sep 9, 2024