The nail fungus infection is one of the most common problems and look ugly. The yellowish appearance of the nails and difficulty in cutting indicates that you are troubled with nail infection. Sometimes the skin near the nails starts itching and seems to be discolored.
All these signs point to fungal infection of toenails. It isn’t a severe ailment however needs immediate treatment otherwise your nail needs to be removed. It is because leaving it untreated may spread fungal infection to all the toenails and it surely places you in great trouble.
In present times, there are skilled podiatrists ready to do successful laser treatment for toenail fungus to get rid of the nail problem forever. In Irvine, you can contact Dr. Sima Soltani for any podiatric treatment. Any discomfort or pain in the feet will be dealt with utmost care and medical treatment will be immediately provided in the clinic.
There are four types of major fungal nail infections:
- Distal subungual onychomycosis is shortly termed as DSO. It is uncommon problem initiated by the same fungus which causes athlete’s foot. The signs of infection are visualized by seeing the infected toenails. It will be yellowish in color, thick and brittle. When left untreated the nails would get removed from the nail bed.
- White superficial onychomycosis is commonly known as WSO. White spots on the surface of your nail would look awkward however easily treatable.
- Candida onychomycosis. It is caused by yeast infection resulting in affecting the nail and its surrounding skin. The skin turns reddish and the nails become whitish, brownish and sometimes yellowish. If left untreated then the nail splits and becomes lifeless.
- Proximal subungal onchomycosis: It is a symptom of HIV health issues. It harms the skin and the nail and needs immediate medications to curb its spreading ability.
The laser toenail fungus removal treatment has proven to be successful in treating any kind of nail infection. It isn’t a danger to your general health however some infections would be the cause for nail falling off from their bed and slowly the infection starts spreading to the other part of the foot.
Toenails are mostly affected as they are the easy target of the fungus. This kind of infection doesn’t end up on its own, thus best to have prescribed medications fast to save your other nails and skin of the foot.
The fungal infections can occur at any age person however folks crossed sixty years of age are more likely to be affected by the nail’s health problem. It is mainly because blood flow to the foot decreases which makes the dry, thick and ready to crack.
The fungus mainly enters through the cracks on the skin near the nail. Hence, there is a need to keep the skin moisturized to avoid dryness and cracks. Even long nails invite fungus infection thus best to clip them every week.
Risk factors of fungal infection:
- Athlete’s foot: this kind of fungus thrives in moist and warm places. The foot which is the whole time covered by socks can be infected by the fungus.
- Tight-fitted shoes: They are the culprits who make it possible for the fungus to spread fast. The moisture presence on the feet helps the fungus to thrive easily.
- Walking barefoot: Walking without footwear near damp places like pools, lakes, toilets, gym, public showers will prove to be risky as the chances of fungus presence in such places are more. It is not advisable to walk bare foot in a house where a family member is troubled with the athlete’s foot.
- Skin health conditions: Psoriasis is a skin disorder that causes scaly patches on the skin. It helps the fungus to enter the cracks on the skin easily. Diabetes can be a cause of fungus infections spreading quickly. Restricted blood flow to the foot is another medical condition that supports nail fungus infection.
There are many kinds of treatments practiced by the podiatrist to keep your toenails healthy. Oral, topical medication and even toenail fungus laser treatment works wonders. The treatments are done after verifying the condition of the affected toenail. Usually, a podiatrist will remove the fungus permanently.
However, prevention is better than cure. Thus, keep your feet dry and clean and make sure not to wear tight-fitting shoes.