One of the greatest tragedies our people face today is poor emotional health. For some, showing emotions is a sign of weakness, while others continue to let emotions reign supreme and determine major life decisions. We stand at the very extremes of this spectrum, and we are yet to understand how to use emotions to drive us close to balance and well-being.

Before we seek to unravel the myriad emotions of our inner world, let’s establish why we need to do so.

What is emotional health?

Contrary to what most people believe, mental health and emotional health are not the same. Emotional health is, at best, a subset of mental health. An emotionally healthy person is in tune with their emotions, can identify and distinguish between different types of emotions and use these cues to understand themselves and others.

Why is our emotional health a key determinant of our overall well-being?

Emotions are like a compass directing our reactions to events or circumstances. We need to understand them in order to work with them and not against them.

Neglecting our emotions can prove to be unhealthy and detrimental to our well-being. As pointed out by the bestselling trauma research author Bessel van der Kolk in his book  Our Body Keep The Score, emotionally charged and overwhelming experiences have a huge impact on our mind and body awareness. The responses and behavioural patterns (fight, flight and freeze) generated in response to trauma are often detrimental to our work, relationships and life in general.

What does good emotional health look like?

1.    Awareness

People often aren’t aware of what they are feeling because of the judgments and labels associated with those emotions stop them from processing those emotions. The key here is to include the element of ‘non-judgement’ and sit with your feelings to experience them in totality and be mindful of them.

2.    Curiosity

Our emotions are cues from our inner world and are often a reflection of our core values. However, it’s important to try and find the causes and triggers of such emotions so you can manage them and channel them to your own advantage.

Once you can pinpoint the source, you’ll know where to direct your efforts and attention.

3.    Ability to flip the script

Triggers are inevitable and so is the angst that follows. But with awareness and curiosity, you can move ahead and take charge of your internal dialogue. The ability to turn your inner critic into a loving and compassionate parent may as well be the superpower you need to excel and thrive in all areas of your life.

This activation of this ‘inner parent’ comes from constant practice and introspection. When you catch yourself engaging in a harsh inner dialogue, ask yourself – ‘If my child was to be in this situation, what would I say to them?’

4.    Resilience

With due practice, kindness and reinforcement, you’ll begin to see a significant shift in how you react and respond to stressful life situations. Resilience and emotional maturity then become a by-product of all the inner work you’ve done. You may find yourself soothing an angry partner instead of lashing out at them and that would indicate impeccable emotional health.

How can a mental wellness coach help you navigate the perplexing world of your emotions?

If you’re already working with a life coach in Australia, you know how powerful and essential emotional health is. It goes beyond just treating the symptoms; it’s the key to cultivating positive feelings, strong relationships, and individual growth. If you are looking to experience a more meaningful and fulfilling life, having a mental wellness coach by your side can make the process so much easy and more effective. We can help you pair with a life coach whom you can resonate with.

Get a free session today and remember, you are worth it.

It’s your life, don’t settle for anything less than your best!

Prosper Health

Health Blog

Tuesday, Feb 11, 2025